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It was the final stand against North Korean superior forces before UN forces beat back the attacking North Korean elements.

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16y ago

North Korea was Communism and North Korea was invading the South.

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12y ago

it was the South Korean capitol

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Q: Why was Pusan so vital in the Korean War?
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When north Korea attacked south Korea how far did they get?

They pushed them so far down that by 1950 Pusan was the only major city that the North Koreans had not taken. Pusan is a port city is southern South Korea.

Was the Korean war a war?

So, was the Korean WAR a... WAR. Well I suppose we'll never know.

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The increase in US defense spending in 1952 was to fund the American-Korean War or what Americans call the Korean War.

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You cant once it happens it happens there is no stopping the next Korean war, they also say that nuclear missiles, scuds, and bombardment will be use, so lets hope that the Korean war 2 wont happen

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He came back home because peple keap askin why is he still making the war so long

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During the Korean War, Chinese people were affected in that so called Volunteers from China were sent to help the North Koreans. The result was the deaths of many Chinese soldiers. The Korean War was just one part of the "Cold War".

Was the Korean war seen as a further threat of communism?

The Korean war started because of communism. North Korea wanted to make South Korea a communist country, so they invaded.

Year Year and Month Korean War was declared over?

Heavy fighting ceased on July 27th, 1953 and was followed by armistice. So the Korean war has not ended, and in its place is an armistice.

When was So Yong Kim born?

So Yong Kim was born in 1968, in Pusan, South Korea.

Which wars did general Douglas MacArthur particapate in?

Korean front This dude says Korean front when MacArthur was fighting in the pacific against Japan... MacArthur did play a part in Korea but that was during the Korean War not World War 2. So the Japanese front

What city did the Korean war end?

It hasn't ended, just stopped at the 38th parallel with a truce, so the war is not over.

Was it hard for Korean immigrant to go to America during the Korean War?

it was very hard you had to leave ever single thing and you could live in so areas