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Because the communist revolution was considered a threat to western society which is build on capitalism.

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Q: Why did the US support the white army in the Russian civil war?
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Did the red army have the support of the peasants?

The Red Army is also known as the Workers and Peasants Army. It had a great support of the peasants and was started as a combat arm of the Russian civil war.

Who led the white army during the Russian civil war?

White army generals were Kolchak and Denikin

Who led the Red Army to victory over the White Army in the Russian Civil War?

Leon Trotsky commanded the Red Army.

What was the civil war between the red army and the white army who won?

That was the civil war in Russia, also known as the Russian Revolution. The communists of the (Bolsheviks) eventually overwhelmed the combined Royalists and nationalists of the White Army.

Who fought the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war?

The Bolsheviks were the red army. They fought against the white army. The white army was made up of the sailors from the former Russian navy along with other anti communist groups.

What two groups fought in the Russian Civil War?

The Bolshevik Party (or the Russian Communist Party) against suspected anticommunists know as Whites.

When did the Red army defeat the White army to end the Russian civil war?

White Russians under Baron Wrangel lost at Sevastopol to the Red Army on the 14th of November 1920.

What is the communist army that defeated uprisings during the Russian Civil War?

The communists RED Army defeated the Tzars WHITE Army during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

Who fought in the Russian civil war?

Bolshevik government and its Red Army against the anti-Bolshevik forces in Russia.

What was Lenin's army?

The Red Army was Lenin's army in the Russian Civil War that broke out after the October Revolution of 1917. The Red Army fought the White Army, eventually routing the White Army forces and establishing Lenin and the Bolsheviks as the power in Russia from then on.

What was the white army?

The White army was the counter-revolutionary forces that invaded Russia, leading to the Civil War of 1980 to 1920. The White army was made up of United States, Japanese, French, and British armies, and their Russian conscripts.

Which group supported Czar Nicholas II during the Russian Civil War?

During the Russian Civil War that began in late 1917, the group that supported Czar Nicholas II was generally known as the 'White' Russians. In contrast to the Communist 'Reds,' the 'Whites' advocated either a monarchical government for Russia or, at the very least, a non-Communistic ruling power.