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I read lately in a book like old times that Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of Southampton was his patron when Shakespeare just arrived and entered to the show business. I am not too sure if that the only role he had in Shakespeare's life but he sure was his patron at least that what I read.

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11y ago

Probably he liked the stuff Shakespeare wrote. Some people think they were involved emotionally, even sexually. That's an issue for debate, since there is no conclusive evidence either way.

In all likelihood, Southampton was cleverly targeted by Shakespeare. At the time of his first tribute to the Earl, Venus & Adonis, the actor would have been under severe financial stress, due to prolonged closures of the London stages. The Earl represented a potentially rich source of succour and sponsorship. In its sources and themes, Venus & Adonis looks like a deliberate and sympathetic counterbalance to an earlier poem, Narcissus. The latter had been dedicated to Southampton under the auspices of the latter's guardian, Henry Cecil. The construction of the earlier poem and its dedication made public implications that the Earl was narcissistic and lacking in both manliness and honour. Read more on these matters in Akrigg's Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton.

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10y ago

He didn't work for Southampton. The only record of a relationship between them is the dedications to Venus and Adonis and Rape of Lucrece. Clearly Southampton was Shakespeare's patron for both of those projects, but that does not make him Shakespeare's employer. Southampton may have fronted him some money, or helped smooth some of the paperwork, or helped with publicity. In essence it was Shakespeare's show and Southampton was helping out.

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