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Q: Why did the ideas of charies Darwin cause controversy?
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Why did ideas of Charles Darwin cause controversy?

Darwin's theory of evolution contradicts the literal interpretation of creation as taken from The Bible

What is polemico in Spanish?

Polémico (a), adj.Dícese de aquello que pudiere causar controversia o choque de ideas =Tells of that which may cause controversy or conflict of ideas (polemic).

How did some thinkers use the ideas of Charles Darwin?

Darwin's ideas have helped scientist make sense of life in the world.

Why did Charles Darwin's ideas not get published?

They did

What was Charles Darwin's ideas?


What was Darwin ideas?

the theory of evolution

How the ideas of other scientists influenced Darwin ideas and ultimately shaped his philosophies?

Darwin was influenced by ideas from other scientists such as Lamarck's theory of acquired traits and Malthus's principle of population. These ideas contributed to Darwin's concept of natural selection as the mechanism for evolution. Ultimately, Darwin's observations and synthesis of these ideas led him to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection, which revolutionized the field of biology.

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The writings and ideas of Freud, Darwin, Einstein, and Marx

How did the ideas of scientists before Darwin influence Darwin ideas?

Scientists before Darwin, such as Lamarck and Lyell, influenced Darwin's ideas by presenting concepts like geology and the idea of species change over time. Lamarck's theory of acquired characteristics and Lyell's principles of uniformitarianism provided a basis for Darwin to develop his theory of evolution through natural selection. Darwin built upon these ideas by incorporating them into his own theory, which became the foundation of modern evolutionary biology.

What was Charles Darwin's ideas titled?


Who was famous for his ideas on evolution?

Charles Darwin

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