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Because as the technology became more hightech the scientist could look closer at the way the atom looks.

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Q: Why did the models of the atom improve over time?
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Why has the model of the atom changed over time?

The model of the atom has changed over time as new experimental evidence and advancements in scientific theories have provided a better understanding of the structure and behavior of atoms. Early models were simple and did not explain many observed phenomena, leading to revisions and the development of more sophisticated models such as the Bohr model and the quantum mechanical model._ADV

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Why has our idea of what the atom looks like changed so many times?

Our idea of the atom has changed over time as new experimental evidence and theoretical advances have been made. Early models were based on limited information and as technology improved, we discovered more about the structure of the atom. Each new model built upon the shortcomings of the previous one, leading to our current understanding based on quantum mechanics.

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It is true that an atom has a nucleus. As for which model of the atom is thought to be true, at the present time we use a model based upon quantum mechanics which differs significantly from the early Rutherford or Bohr atomic models.

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Do answers improve on WikiAnswers over time?

It depends. As anyone with a WikiAnswers account can 'improve' an answer, they can also violate this and make the answer worse by changing it to unhelpful things.

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It is important that the running shoes that you purchase fit you well, this will improve the comfort for your feet as well as improve your fitness over time.

How does the model of the Atom change over time?

it starts to break down into it's simplest form