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Roman Catholic AnswerIt didn't, the Catholic Church exists as Christ's Body on earth to bring God to the people and the people to God. The most that the Church can do is excommunicate someone which doesn't allow them access to the sacraments until they have fixed whatever was the cause for their excommunication. As you are talking about witches, I am assuming that you are referring to one of the various Inquisitions, and, no doubt, "histories" which affix all the blame on the Church. Although these operating with the Church, particularly the Spanish Inquisition, was mostly run by the Civil authorities. As to witches, by definition, they worshipped the devil (Satan) and thus put themselves outside the protection of the Church. They were considered problems by the civil authorities who saw them as nonconformists, and troublemakers, and, obviously, lawbreakers. Keep in mind that society back then was much different from today and that we can not judge them by our standards.
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to have control over their people.(Now/ Remember... Us as humans always have had a need or necessity to believe on a greater being.)

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Because the people who accused people of witchcraft thought they were evil and had made a pact with the devil. The only 'solution' for that was putting them to death.

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Q: Why did the church want people to believe in witches?
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