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Q: Why did you build piers?
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Where do you build canoe in Sims 2 Castaway on Wii?

by the piers in the East Beach

What nicknames does Piers Morgan go by?

Piers Morgan goes by Piers Moron.

What has the author Piers Browne written?

Piers Browne has written: 'The best of Piers Browne'

What is the birth name of Piers Sellers?

Piers Sellers's birth name is Piers John Sellers.

What is the birth name of Piers Gielgud?

Piers Gielgud's birth name is Thomas Piers Gielgud.

What is the birth name of Piers Tynan?

Piers Tynan's birth name is Piers Andrew Benedict Tynan.

What is the birth name of Piers Merchant?

Piers Merchant's birth name is Piers Rolf Garfield Merchant.

Is Piers Morgan single?

No, Piers Morgan is not single.

How many piers does the Brooklyn Bridge have?

It has two piers.

Where do you build a canoe on sims 2 castaways?

For PSP... If you go to East Beach on Airplane Island (the second one), you should be able to build a canoe at the piers there. It gets you to Volcano Island which is sooo much fun :-)

When was Piers Faccini born?

Piers Faccini was born in 1970.

When was Piers Lea born?

Piers Lea was born in 1961.