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The reason he didn't see his friends the moment he returned to the shire was because he found out that his relatives were about to take possession of his home and he therefore had to deal with that crisis. And as for afterwards, I think it is too going far to assume that he didn't go see his friends. All Tolkien says is that Bilbo acquires over time a reputation for being odd and that many Hobbits shy away from him and his new reputation. That's a far cry from saying Bilbo is completely alienated from all his old friends and that he never goes to see them. Tolkien says very little about Bilbo's day to day life.

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Bible had a deep fascination with the Elves, and he loved everything about them. It isn't really explained more profoundly than that.

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Q: Why didn't Bilbo visit with his hobbit friends when he got home?
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Why did Gandalf visit Bilbo baggins in hobbit?

If it is in the Hobbit, it is to get Bilbo started on his adventure. If it is in the Fellowship of the Ring it is to have the ring returned to the mountain to be destroyed.

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Gandalf is technically the first visitor. But the first Dwarf to knock on his door before 'the Unexpected Party' was Dwalin.

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In this chapter "An Unexpected Party" from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," the title refers to the surprising and unplanned arrival of the group of dwarves at Bilbo Baggins' hobbit hole. The unexpected nature of their visit sets the stage for the adventures that follow in the story.

Why did gandalf visit Bilbo Baggins?

I think Gandalf came to Bilbo to either get a 14 man. (Another reply) Gandalf was helping the dwarves, and he believed that Bilbo could help. However, his help to the dwarves was secondary to his main mission: to get information about Sauron. Sauron is mentioned in the Hobbit, as the Necromancer; in the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf confirms that the "Necromancer" was no other than the old enemy, Sauron.

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There is some challenge to what the time frame was. It was about 7 or eight years, but could have been a bit longer. It was published in 1937. His sons seem to recall parts of the story from sometime in the 1928 to 1930 time frame.

Is visit friends a prepositional phrase?

"Visit friends" can be considered a prepositional phrase if it is used as a noun in a sentence, such as "I enjoy the visit with friends." In this case, "with friends" functions as a prepositional phrase modifying "visit."

What is the ending of The Hobbit?

In the end, there is the Battle of Five Armies, in which Thorin dies, and Kili and Fili die defending him, for he was their uncle. Bilbo had used his ring to become invisible and didn't really do any fighting. He was knocked out when he cried out "Eagles! The Eagles are coming!" and was hit on the head with a rock. After they all said their goodbyes, Gandalf and Bilbo head to Rivendell where Gandalf talks to Elrond about what happened. Then they returned to the Shire where Bilbo finds an auction going on at Bag End. He thinks that Lobelia stole all his spoons though. After a few years, Balin and Gandalf come to his house and visit.

Why should you visit Middle-earth?

the hobbit did not visit the middle of the earth. He lives in a place called Middle-Earth.

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she didnt "visit" any but she came across 7

Is visit a prepositional phrase?

Visit friends is not a prepositional phrase. Neither word is a preposition. Visit is a verb; friends is a noun.