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There were many reasons. America was isolationist. Most countries didn't know exactly what was happening, and they certainly weren't aware of the numbers of casualties. A lot of countries didn't want to get involved in what could have been bigger than WWI (and was). The reason wasn't that they did not know, it was hard not to know the obvious, perhaps not to the full details, countries did not attack Germany until they were at risk.

Countries also were not ready to be involved, and believe it or not there was a lot of "anti-Semitic" feeling in all the countries. The U.S. did not get involved until they were bombed by the Japanese which at the time was an ally of Germany. Also the people and the government did not want to get involved because they were experiencing Great Depression also known as the dirty thirties.

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because it spread rapidly.

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Q: Why didn't other countries stop the holocaust?
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How can the stories of Holocaust survivors and those who eventually freed them help to stop another Holocaust from happening?

The problem is whether the perpetrators are willing to recognize another holocaust as it is forming and occurring. For example, many people point out that the 50 million abortions (just in the U.S.) qualifies as another holocaust. But the perceived benefit (casual sex without responsibility) is so seductive and addictive that the perpetrators would not seriously consider its status as a holocaust.

What were US motives behind its actions during Cold War?

The US's goals were to stop Communism from spreading to other countries and to control or stop the military threat of Soviet Union and Communist China. This meant that the US had to have a military power and arsenal that was equal to or better than that of those countries.

What role did the Holocaust play in World War 2?

The role of the holocaust in WW2 was major. It is what made people decide what side to fight for. Many countries didn't believe that killing millions of innocent people was right so the joined the allied forces in a fight to stop it. ___ Until 1944 the British and US governments didn't want to know about the Holocaust. It was not widely reported or widely discussed in the media, so I don't see how "It is what made people decide what side to fight for". Countries fought for perceived national interest, not to stop the Holocaust.s

Did Japanese immigrants arrived in the period before the civil war?

When Nazam stop checking his mic and didnt say (HELLO)

Why is the cold war considered a war?

Because their is two countries COMPETING on many things like arms race , lands , ships ...etc So, its like a war who will be the winner at the end and will stop competing and fail + both countries dislike each other.

Related questions

How did people try to stop the Holocaust?

They were afraid so they didnt.

What did other countries do to help toward the holocaust?

Other countries, especially America, did absolutely nothing!

What could have the US and other countries have done before the war to stop the holocaust?

The US and other countries could have objected to Germany's persecution of Jews before the war. The fact that they did not led Germany to believe that it could do whatever they wanted without interference.

What could the US and other countries have done before the war to stop Holocaust?

The US and other countries could have objected to Germany's persecution of Jews before the war. The fact that they did not led Germany to believe that it could do whatever they wanted without interference.

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You always stop at other countries, because there is no commercial aviation to Antarctica.

What could the unites states and other countries have done before the war to stop the holocaust?

No one knew that the Holocaust would happen, not even those in charge of it.

Why did some nations decide not to intervene in the Holocaust?

The question suggests that many countries in some sense "intervened" [to stop] the Holocaust, but that a few didn't do so. In fact, no country "intervened" in order to stop the Holocaust. No country went to war against Nazi Germany because of the Holocaust. (Israel didn't exist as a clearly defined or independent country at the time). Politics doesn't work like that. In fact most countries that fought against Germany did so because they were attacked by Germany or one of its allies.

Why didn't the Jews stop the Holocaust?

They were persecuted, unarmed civilians and were fairly scattered in most of the countries under Nazi rule (except in ghettos).

How do you stop a holocaust?

You can't.

Who put a stop to Jewish Ghettos during the Holocaust?

The Nazis themselves 'put a stop to Jewish ghettos during the Holocaust' because they liquidated them all: in other words, the inhabitants were sent to extermination camps. The last ghetto to be liquidated was Lodz in August 1944.

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The US didnt really get a great deal out of the war there only achievement was to stop the spread of communism throughout the country and the surrounding countries

How did Anne Frank stop the Holocaust?

Anne Frank didn't stop the Holocaust. She just made a diary on the thing. The Allies stopped the Holocaust. Anne Frank was just a teenager during the Holocaust. She could not have stopped it. The above answer is correct. See link below for more information.