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it is a polymer in which their is no induction effect and no dipoles are formed within the molecules as all the bonds are of equal strength and therefore no polymerization occurs in contrast to molecules such as pvc

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3mo ago

The dielectric constant of polyethylene is essentially temperature-independent because its molecular structure does not significantly change with temperature. This means that the ability of polyethylene to store and transmit electrical energy is consistent across different temperatures. Additionally, the lack of free charge carriers in polyethylene contributes to its consistent dielectric constant behavior.

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What is dielectric constant in chemical terms?

The dielectric constant is a measure of a material's ability to store electrical energy in an electric field. In chemical terms, it reflects the ability of a substance to polarize in response to an applied electric field, affecting the material's ability to conduct electricity. Materials with higher dielectric constants are better insulators.

What is the effect of dielectric constant of water on the solubility of the ionic salt?

The dielectric constant of water affects the solubility of ionic salts by reducing the electrostatic forces between ions. A higher dielectric constant allows water to better surround and dissolve the ions, increasing solubility. Conversely, a lower dielectric constant reduces the solubility of ionic salts in water.

Which is Concentration term independent temperature?

For ideal gases, the partial pressure term in equilibrium constant expressions is independent of temperature. This means that the concentration term for ideal gases is independent of temperature, assuming the ideal gas law holds true.

What is the much more polar solvent?

Formamide is the most polar solvent. It has a dipole moment of 3.73 and a dielectric constant of 109. As a comparison, water has a dipole moment of 1.85 and a dielectric constant of 80. The higher the dipole moment value and the dielectric constant, the more polar the solvent. At the opposite, the less polar solvents are hexane, benzene and carbontetrachloride.

What is the name of the number that is assigned to each solvent to describe its polarity?

The number assigned to each solvent to describe its polarity is called the dielectric constant.

Related questions

Why does dielectric constant decrease with an increase in temperature?

The dielectric constant is a measure of a material's ability to store electrical energy. As temperature increases, thermal motion of molecules increases, disrupting the alignment of dipoles in the material. This disruption reduces the material's ability to polarize in response to an electric field, resulting in a lower dielectric constant.

What is the effect of temperature on dielectric constant of a dielectric?

Usually, dielectric materials have permanent dipoles. As temperature increases, the molecules in the dielectric have more thermal energy and therefore, the amplitude of random motion is greater. This means that the molecules are less closely aligned with each other (even in the presence of an electric field). Hence, the dielectric constant reduces.

Dielectric constant of insulator depends on?

Frequency of alternating field applied & temperature

What is the dielectric constant of diesel?

The dielectric constant of diesel oil is typically around 2 to 3. This value may vary slightly depending on the specific composition and temperature of the diesel oil.

What is the sodium hypochlorite dielectric constant?

dielectric constant for sodium Hypochlorite

Which dielectric in this world has highest dielectric constant?

Strontium Titanate has a dielectric constant of 233. TDK in Japan makes Ultra-high Voltage Ceramic Capacitors using this as the dielectric material. Compared to distilled water at 76.7 - 78.2 (lowers as temperature rises). Types of glass can vary between 4 and 10.

Dielectric constant of metal is?

The dielectric constant varies, depending on the material.

What is the dielectric constant of crude oil?

The dielectric constant of crude oil varies depending on the specific composition of the oil. However, in general, the dielectric constant of crude oil ranges from around 2.0 to 3.5.

What is the dielectric constant of mineral spirits?

The dielectric constant of mineral spirits can vary depending on the specific composition and purity of the substance. Generally, the dielectric constant of mineral spirits ranges from around 2 to 3.

What is relative permittivity if dielectric constant of water is 80.10?

'Dielectric constant' is an archaic term for relative permittivity. They are one and the same.

Is dielectric strength the same as dielectric constant?

No, these are two unrelated properties of a material.

What is the Electric field inside a Dielectric?

E = Eo/k k is dielectric constant