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Clearly not all caves have a 'left' hand exit option and it is therefore laughable to suggest that all bats bear left when departing their caves. The idea that thousands of bats would ever try and leave a cave simultaneously is also not a given, although it has been known to occur.

On a recent study of bats living in a mountainous area in the Congo region, it was established that bats living in a particularly tight knit group of caves, where entry to and exit from the caves was severely restricted, operated a strict 'one in one out' system, often with no left exit option for the bats to take. It would seem that at the end of the day, every bat is different and there are no hard and fast rules as to how bats leave their caves.

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1mo ago

Bats tend to turn left when they leave a cave due to their sensory systems, specifically their echolocation abilities. Most bats have a dominant wing and turning left may be a natural preference. Additionally, environmental factors like the cave structure or the location of their roost may influence their flight pattern.

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Q: Why do Bats turn left when they leave a cave?
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How do you ask a horse to turn right?

To ask a horse to turn right, apply pressure with your right rein against the horse's neck while using your left leg as a cue to encourage the turn. You can also shift your weight slightly to the right to help communicate your intention to the horse. Practice using these aids consistently to help your horse understand the cue for turning right.

What is a horses right hand turn called?

A horse's right-hand turn is commonly referred to as a "right turn" in equestrian terminology. Riders use their inside leg and rein to cue the horse to turn to the right.

Why do owls turn their head all the way back?

Sort of - in actuality some owls can turn their heads up to 270 degrees left or right from the forward facing position; effectively they can look to the left by turning to the right 3/4 of a turn and right by turning 3/4 of a turn to the left. If one of these owls starts with its head turned all the way one way, it can pivot a total of 540° - making 1½I turns to wind up facing the opposite direction From a forward facing position, an owl cannot turn its head full circle as is the common belief.but they can turn them most of the way around and can pivot so quickly that it may seem that they have rotated their heads 360° from a forward facing position. Not all owls have this ability, but most of them can turn their heads a lot further than people can.

When do most mammals leave their mothers?

We are mammals and do not abandon our young. Mammals (within the animal kingdom) nurture their young until they are weaned and are able to exist on their own.

What happens if an animal dies in a forest?

The animal generally decomposes over a long period of time. If the animal is killed the predator will eat away most of the flesh. What is remaining is finished by scavengers like vultures. Nature has its own way of making sure there is nothing needed left behind.

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When exiting a cave which way to bats always turn?


Why bats all ways turn left while exiting the cave?

because im cool

What direction do bats go when leaving a cave?

Actually yes, bats normally huddle near a right corner and fly out exiting left, but thinking about your question you probably heard this on TV like sonny with a chance. Un-included info: If bats were to fly right they would die because of the impact with the cave, that's why they never turn right.

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they can, i have seen them do it.

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