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Q: Why do Geckos Only live in the warm places?
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Geckos live in warm places like?


Where do geckos come from?

There are over 1300 species of gecko that range from every continent except Antarctica.

Do tropical fish live in warm places?

Yes. The word tropical refers to fish that live around islands and places that are hot, they do live in warm places.

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they live in warm places!!!

What is a leopard geckos habitat?

a desert-like habitat. If you are setting up a cage for a leopard gecko, make sure it has a warm side and a cool side with a hut on each side. Leopard Geckos come from deserts in places like Afghanistan, India, and many other places

Where is the best place to find a gecko?

Usually you can find them in dark warm places. Depending on your location. If you live in a very warm wooded area then look under some slightly elevated rocks. If that doesn't work, then check your shed if you have. I hope this helped you. Cya

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yes they do becuase they live in warm places

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Crickets live in warm, damp places

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Maine coons like to live in cool places but they can live in warm place keep in mind they like cool places better but warm is fine to

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there are no paticular places but moth love to be in warm cozy places

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No, because they live in warm places.

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i think it lives in warm places