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because it would hurt if they carried things with their bollocks.

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Q: Why do africans carry things on their head?
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Africans have curly hair because of the genetics many of them carry.

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She carries her umbrella with the parrot head. When she comes and goes she will have her carpet bag with her.

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What ocean was used to carry enslaved Africans from Africa to the new world?

The Atlantic Ocean.

What is a Garment?

they are things africans waer

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they brought camels to carry gold and salt, food and water

Is it true that whites carry the neanderthal genes?

Everyone, except for Sub-Saharan Africans, carry 1 to 4 percent Neanderthal DNA in their genome.

Which 1966 Carry On film is a spoof of the Scarlet Pimpernel?

The 1966 Carry On film that spoofs the Scarlet Pimpernel is "Carry On Don't Lose Your Head."

Why is it important that the Africans came to American?

It is important that the Africans came to Americans in various ways. For instance, the Africans have found better opportunities in terms of employment and other relevant things in life.