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Because you don't have other things to distract you or to keep you busy, so everything seems larger and worse. Have you tried to meditate? That could help or to keep a journal where you put your problems. Tell yourself that that's where they will stay as you close the book for the night.

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1mo ago

Problems can seem greater at night due to factors like fatigue, lack of distractions, and feeling more isolated. Our brains may also tend to focus more on worries and negative thoughts during quieter nighttime hours. It's important to practice self-care, like getting enough rest and engaging in relaxation techniques, to help manage and put problems into perspective.

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What happen will be that you have serousliy problems or your just crazy enough to do that try and not to do it cause if you do your gonna fall asleep in the morning and stay up all night and night so dont even think about it ok ok.

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