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so that their baby's will develop properly , if your told its to keep them warm its wrong , ( birds sit on the eggs to keep them warm).

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Q: Why do birds turn there eggs periodically?
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Why do birds turn their eggs periodically?

To keep the yolk from sticking to the top of the shell, which could cause the chick to die.

Why do birds turn their eggs prriodically?

To keep both sides warm!

What do you do with mealworm beetles after they lay eggs what to do i do with them after they turn into beetles and lay eggs How many times do they lay eggs Can I feed them to geckos birds?

When mealworm beetles turn into beetles, you can still feed them to geckos and birds. They will lay eggs until they die at 3-5 months of age.

Why were eggs spaced apart in the incubator?

Eggs are spaced apart in the incubator to allow for the circulation of air. It is also important to keep a space between the eggs so that there is room to turn them over periodically.

I own a female Rainbow Lorikeet and she is periodically laying eggs. There is no male present. Is this normal?

no --------------- Yes. Just in the same way female chickens lay eggs regularly, other birds lay eggs when they ovulate regularly, lorikeets included.

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No. Cows do not lay eggs, they give birth to live young. No mammal but the platypus lays eggs. Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, and Birds lay eggs.

Do birds lay eggs or not?

yes birds lay eggs

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All birds lay eggs.

When do hummingbirds lay eggs?

the humming birds are eggs because it is a bird All of the kind of birds is hatched from eggs

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Do birds have baby's in eggs or born alive?

Birds lay eggs!

Do little birds have eggs?

Yes, all birds lay eggs.