

Why do camels eat cactus?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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9y ago

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camels eat so they can walk longer before they must eat again

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Q: Why do camels eat cactus?
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Why did God create cactus?

To feed camels. Camels eat cactus.

Do hawk eat camels?

no camels do not eat eagles because the are plant eater. they eat cactus

What do camel eat at the dessert?

Camels eat cactus and other plants grown in deserts. Their thick lips do not allow the thorns to prick them.

What does cactus get eaten by?

camels for starters...

How do the cactus and camels depend on each other?

so the camel can get water from the cactus

Would camel eat a cactus?

He probably would. However, cacti are native to the Americas and camels are found in Asia and Africa.

How do cactus protect from being eaten?

It does get eaten. By humans and camels and such... But normal animals don't because they have little pointy things that jab your face. It hurts a lot!

How do Cactuses and Camels depend on others in the desert?

Cactus are plants. By bird, by bee, or by bat, they must be pollinated to flourish. Camels are mammals, so they must eat sometime. They rely upon oases for food. It's a good thing that they (camels) are herbivores!

What camels food?

dry or thorny bushes. sometimes broken cactus

How can a camel eat cactus?

Pretty much like any other animal, they chew and swallow.

Do coyotes eat cacti?

My male goat does. He has been eating the cactus I tossed into the burn pile yesterday. I have 3 boar goats and they all eat differently. Stan my male is your typical eatc just about anything type tho. Don't know it's normal, but he's been doing it.

What habits do camels have?

they eat cactus, they live in the desert, they can carry water in their humps and cannot drink water for a month and can drink over a whole bathtub full of water.