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Cardiac muscle have a greater need for oxygen than skeletal muscles because they use up more energy in a shorter amount of time so they require regular refills of oxygen.

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Q: Why do cardiac muscles have a better capillary network than skeletal muscles?
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Do cardiac muscles work in pairs?

No, cardiac muscles do not work in pairs. They are arranged in a network within the heart and work together in a coordinated manner to contract and pump blood throughout the body. The contraction of cardiac muscles is regulated by electrical signals from the heart's pacemaker cells.

How skeletal muscle differs from cardiac muscle?

Functions of Skeletal Muscle TissueSkeletal muscles function in pairs to bring about the co-ordinated movements of the limbs, trunk, jaws, eyeballs, etc.Skeletal muscles are directly involved in the breathing process.Functions of Cardiac (Heart) Muscle TissueCardiac muscle tissue plays the most important role in the contraction of the atria and ventricles of the heart.It causes the rhythmical beating of the heart, circulating the blood and its contents throughout the body as a consequence.

Distinguish between the three types of muscle tissue?

Skeletal (striated), smooth, and cardiac.UPDATED: Dec. 1, 2009The three types of muscles and four characteristics of each:1. SMOOTHa. What/where - GI track, vessels and ductsb. Appearance - smooth - not striated - no dark and light fibersc. Nucleus - single nucleus per fiberd. Function/movement - peristalsis2. CARDIACa. What/where - heartb. Appearance - striated/striped - light and dark fibersc. Nucleus - Multi-nuceli on connecting fibersd. Function/movement - t (twitch)3. SKELETAL / STRIATEDa. What/where - skeleton of voluntary musclesb. Appearance - striated/striped - dark and light fibersc. Nucleus - mulit-nuclei per fiberd. Function/movement - t & t (twitch & tetanus)Your heart

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What is the capillary network within the renal corpuscle?

peritubular capillaries

Which is a renal disease in which substances from the immune response to the streptococcus bacterium collect in the capillary network of the nephron?

renal disease in which substances from the immune response to the streptococcus bacterium collect in the capillary network of the nephron

What is the animal muscular system?

The animal muscular system is the network of tissues that allow animals to move by contracting and relaxing muscles. It includes skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles, each performing different functions in the body, such as movement, digestion, and circulation. Muscle cells are made up of proteins that enable them to contract and generate force.

What are the different types of muscle fibers?

There are different types of muscle fibers. There is skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. * Skeletal muscle is attached to bones or occasionally skin. * Cardiac muscle is found in the walls of the heart. * Smooth muscle is mostly found in the walls of hollow organs such as the intestines I am currently studying anatomy and physiology at University for my nursing degree.There are three muscle Types: Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac.All muscle cells are elongated and are called muscle fibers. Muscle contraction depends on two kinds of myofilaments (actin and myosin). The cell membrane of a muscle cell is called "sarcolemma", while the cytoplasm of a muscle cell is called "sarcoplasm".Skeletal muscle characteristics: long, thin and multi-nucleated fiber with striations, voluntary control; arranged into packages called muscles that attach to and cover the bony skeleton; contracts rapidly & vigorously, but tired easily; may exert great force.Cardiac muscle characteristics: network of branched fibers connected by gap junctions (intercalated disks); only in heart; also have striations; involuntary control; contracts at rhythmic, steady rate set by "pacemaker".Smooth muscle characteristics: lacks striations; walls of hollow visceral organs and blood vessels; involuntary control, contractions are slow & sustained.

What is granulation tissue composed of?

clotted blood, fibroblasts, & extensive capillary network

What is the Capillary network that surrounds the loop of Henle?

the vasa recta MasteringAandP = Vasa Recta

What does the capillary network in each gill filament provide?

A high surface area for gas exchange.