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They believe that the tooth fairy will take it and give them money.

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Q: Why do chilrine put teeth under there pillow when loose one?
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Where do your teeth go after you put them under the pillow?

too the tooth fairy of course.

Is the mouse that gives you money under your pillow when your teeth fall out real?

It's not a mouse that puts the money under your pillow when you lose a tooth, it's the tooth fairy that does it.

Which types of the teeth grows first?

They are known as 'milk teeth', which eventually fall out (leading to the tooth-fairy leaving a coin under a child's pillow!) and are replaced by the permanent adult teeth.

What do children in Italy do when baby teeth fall out?

They put it under their pillow and a little mouse comes and exchanges it for a small gift.

What happens when you loose a tooth and red stuff is left behind?

Um... The red stuff is blood... Well if you are the ages of 2 to 12 you put it under your pillow and get money from the tooth fairy in the morning. But if you are the ages of 13 and over normally your teeth have stopped falling out by then! :)

Where does the tooth fairy keep all her teeth?

The tooth fairy is not real ur mom takes it and hides it then puts a £1 under ur pillow

Who leaves money under your pillow?

The tooth fairy leaves money under your pillow in exchange for your tooth.

Does the toothfaries come for back teeth?

Yes, the tooth fairy takes back teeth. Just put any type of tooth you lose and put them under your pillow, and wait for the money. Just be sure to tell your parents about it.

How do you get a iPod touch under your pillow in 30 minutes?

The only way to get an iPod Touch under your pillow in 30 minutes is for someone you know to put it there. There is not a magical way to get an iPod Touch under your pillow.

Is it true that's if you sleep with a spoon under your pillow it will snow?

No. Putting a spoon under your pillow has absolutely no effect on the weather.

Where is your Pokemon Ruby?

under my pillow

Does sleeping with your phone under your pillow give you a headcahe?

i sleep with an xbox controller under my pillow and it doesnt bother me. same for my phone