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clothes dry even when it's not hot because of evaporation. The air holds moister. when a piece of clothing for example, is wet all the water that used to be there is now in the air. When it is cold, it will take a lot longer for this process to happen. cold air does not retain water very well so your shirt will stay wet if the air is too cold to hold the evaporated water.

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1mo ago

Clothes dry even when it's not hot because of evaporation. Water on the clothes evaporates into the air regardless of the temperature. However, warmer temperatures can speed up the evaporation process.

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How does an automatic clothes dryer dry your clothes?

An automatic clothes dryer uses hot air to evaporate moisture from wet clothes. The hot air is generated by a heating element and is circulated inside the drum to absorb the moisture. The warm, damp air is then vented outside while dry air continues to circulate inside the drum to dry the clothes.

Why do clothes dry on a line?

Clothes dry on a line because of a process called evaporation. When clothes are hung outside, the heat from the sun causes the water on the clothes to evaporate, leaving them dry. The wind also helps by carrying away the moisture, further speeding up the drying process.

Why do clothes dry more quickly on a hot summer day than on a cold winter day?

Clothes dry more quickly on a hot summer day than on a cold winter day because heat helps to increase the rate of evaporation. In summer, the warmer air has a higher capacity to hold moisture, allowing water in the clothes to evaporate more quickly. In winter, the colder air has a lower capacity to hold moisture, slowing down the evaporation process.

Why do wet clothes dry?

Wet clothes dry because of evaporation. When water on the clothes absorbs heat from the surroundings, it changes from a liquid to a gas and evaporates into the air. This process removes moisture from the clothes, eventually making them dry.

What is the method of heat transfer clothes dryer?

In a clothes dryer, heat transfer occurs through convection. Hot air is generated by the heating element and circulated through the drum, where it absorbs moisture from the clothes. The moist air is then expelled through a vent, and the process repeats until the clothes are dry.

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How do tumble dryers dry wet clothes?

They blow hot dry air through the clothes as they tumble inside the drum of the drier.

Will hot water shrink cotton work gloves?

Air dry your cotton gloves (and clothes) even when washed with warm/hot water. Dry items away from direct sunlight or heat. Best dried at room temperature in a shaded area.

How does an automatic clothes dryer dry your clothes?

An automatic clothes dryer uses hot air to evaporate moisture from wet clothes. The hot air is generated by a heating element and is circulated inside the drum to absorb the moisture. The warm, damp air is then vented outside while dry air continues to circulate inside the drum to dry the clothes.

Why do sailors need dry clothes?

Wet clothes can produce hypothermia even in warmer temperatures. If they do not have dry clothes, it can create uncomfortable rashes and can cause sickness.

Why wet clothes dry faster on a hot day than on a cold day?

Because its a hot day init

Why do wet clothes on a washing line dry faster on a hot day than a cold day?

Because on got day there is less moisture in air so, the clothes dry faster on a hot day than a cool day.

Why do clothes dry on a line?

Clothes dry on a line because of a process called evaporation. When clothes are hung outside, the heat from the sun causes the water on the clothes to evaporate, leaving them dry. The wind also helps by carrying away the moisture, further speeding up the drying process.

How does clothes out a dryer behave?

They behave well, happily unless you dry them too hot.

How To Shrink Jeans?

Hot water wash, Hot dry cycle. Maybe even over dry them a little.

How do you hang clothes out on the line effectively?

With clothes pins or you risk the clothes falling on the ground. You need a warm, breezy day for clothes to dry quickly or "effectively". Make sure that the clothing is spread out or it will not dry. Note: Clothing will dry somewhat even in freezing weather, but you will have to finish drying in a clothes dryer.

Why do wet clothes dry faster on a hot day than on a cold day?

Wet clothes dry faster on a hot day because the heat in the air increases the rate of evaporation of the water from the clothes. In contrast, on a cold day, the lower temperature reduces the rate of evaporation, resulting in slower drying times.

What is an airing cupboard?

An airing cupboard is a cupboard intended for clothes storage built around a house's hot water system, using the heat to dry clothes.