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Producers are basically plants. Without plants, there are no sugars (energy) going to consumers. Here is an example. Humans do not eat grass but we get some energy from grass. this is possible because, for example, cows eat grass. Humans get energy from cows (that they eat) that get energy form grass. Grass is a producer. This is why, you don't have animals other than penguins and fish in the ant-arctic. The producer here is Phyto-Plankton. the zoo-plankton eat the phyto. The fish eat the zoo-plankton, and penguins eat the fish. Basically all life depend on the producers because they are always the bottom of the food chain, and the energy they make is needed for all the other animals and organism's. they are also the most abundant out of any other organism because they are the suppliers.

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10y ago

Besides sunlight, which all producers use, producers are the foundation for all life. Without them, we would not exist as we do not make our own food using sunlight.

Producers are the basis for the pyramid that life is built on.

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13y ago

consumers need the producer to eat and not starve

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A producer (a plant) is the very basic form of organic food. without it life would not exist.

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12y ago

consumers need the producer to eat and not starve

and decomposers. Decomposers are the garbage men of the animal kingdom; they take all the dead animals and plants

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12y ago

Producers are necessary in all food chains because without any producer, a food chain wouldn't be a food chain. Producers start the food chain.

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Q: Why do all organisms in an ecosystem depend on producers?
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Photosynthetic organisms are the producers of an ecosystem. All other organisms depend directly or indirectly on the producers

What do all consumers depend on to get their energy?

All living organisms, that are catagorized as consumers, depend on eating other organisms for energy, although, producers create their own energy from the abiotic features of an ecosystem.

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The producer. Every food chain begins with one.

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The trophic level that contains the organisms that are the source of all chemical energy used in an ecosystem is called the producer level. This level contains the organisms that can make their own food.

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All the organisms that share its ecosystem depend on lynxes but directly effected would be its prey, ie hares, and its predators, ie mountain lions.

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PLANTS. All plants are a producer!

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Every thing else would die with it because the organisms on the higher end of the food chain wouldn't get the energy that they needed.

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All organisms that are not producers are known as discomposes. This is in fungi.

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The three energy roles in an ecosystem are producers, consumers, and decomposers. ;)

Data for a study on respiration in this ecosystem should be collected during?

3. Intervals A and B, from both the producers and consumers in the ecosystem (Reason: respiration takes place all the time in all organisms.)

What animals in the ocean are producers?

In a marine ecosystem, algae are the producers. Algae are producers because they make their own food through the process of photosynthesis just like green plants. Consumers are the other types of organisms in this ecosystem.

What do you know about ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area, as well as all the nonliving, physical components of the environment with which the organisms interact, such as air, soil, water, and sunlight. It is all the organisms in a given area, along with the nonliving (abiotic) factors with which they interact; a community and its physical environment. The entire array of organisms inhabiting a particular ecosystem is called a community .In a typical ecosystem, plants and other photosynthetic organisms are the producers that provide the food. Ecosystems can be permanent or temporary. Ecosystems usually form a number of food webs.