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Convection currents stop us from being suffocated when we are asleep in bed. Why?

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Tashora Bryan

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5mo ago
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3w ago

Convection currents help maintain airflow in a room by circulating air and preventing stagnant air from accumulating around our bodies. This constant movement of air helps to supply us with fresh oxygen and prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide, reducing the risk of suffocation while sleeping.

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9y ago

Convection currents are believed to stop corneal suffocation while sleeping. The rapid movements of the eye move the viscus fluid of the eye causing it to circulate and promoting oxygen flow.

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Q: Why do convection currents stop us from being suffocated while sleeping?
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because convection currents are caused by the liquid being heated, becoming less dense due to increased kinetic energy and rising. if you are heating the top of the test tube, there is nowhere for them to 'rise' to, so no current is formed, as they do not reach a place where they cool and sink to the bottom. thus convection currents are only formed when heating the bottom of a test tube.

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Currents are measured in amps being I

What do convection currents do in the water?

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Why does a paper snake spin when held over a Bunsen burner?

If I read your question correctly my answer would be heat convection. The air around the Bunsen burner is being heated thus it will rise and cause a vertical "wind".

What 3 examples of convection?

convection currents an example is a heat radiates heat which warms the air. the air rises as its heated and cooler air takes its place then being heated by the radiator...this continues until the room is heated and so is a pot is on a stove and the water is boiling and the cold water is at the top and it goes to the bottom

What is a convection current current?

Convection currents are vertical movements of fluids driven by heat. Hot fluids rise because they are less dense than cold fluids which sink. The best example would be soup boiling - stuff in the soup comes to the surface over the flame and sinks back towards the edges of the pot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current caused by the expansion of a liquid, solid, or gas as its temperature rises. The expanded material, being less dense, rises, while colder, denser material sinks. Material of neutral buoyancy moves laterally. Convection currents arise in the atmosphere above warm land masses or seas, giving rise to sea breezes and land breezes, respectively. In some heating systems, convection currents are used to carry hot water upwards in pipes. Convection currents in the hot, solid rock of the Earth's mantle help to drive the movement of the rigid plates making up the Earth's surface.