

Why do crickets eat each other?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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11y ago

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No, crickets do not eat their babies, but there are certain specifications for breeding them. They are cannibalistic, so if not supplied with proper food, they will eat each other, and small babies would be an easy target.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Crickets are omnivorous, meaning that they eat a lot of different things. They are scavengers and will eat various kinds of organic materials, including plants. They will eat their dead if there is little else to eat, and will even prey upon weak crickets. They have strong jaws, and some species have been know to bite humans.

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14y ago

They will eat each other if they are not getting enough nutrients from the food they are given.

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10y ago

Crickets will not only eat ants but will eat any smaller insect it can find. In addition, the cricket will eat grass if that is all there is to eat.

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13y ago

Crickets do not eat flies. They enjoy vegetation and, if starving may attack other crickets. However, they would not eat flies.

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11y ago

Maybe their starved, OR they need the nutrition

that the other cricket has.

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