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When elected officials know that they are going to face another election, that is coming up in the not too distant future (let us say, within 5 years) then they know that they are accountable to the voters. If the voters are not happy with their job performance, the voters may vote for someone else. This means that the elected officials will feel some need to do what voters want them to do. If, however, government officials do not have to face re-election and just hold on to their jobs forever, or for some very long period of time, then they may feel no obligation to do what voters want them to do, and may instead serve their own personal purposes. Those purposes usually turn out to be the vast enrichment of themselves and their families and cronies, at the expense of the public.

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10y ago
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9y ago

There are many reasons why democratic countries hold elections at regular intervals. This is to give everyone an opportunity to become a leader.

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Anuradha 120

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3y ago

Because people can not satisfied with elected government

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Q: Why it is necessary to have elections at regular interval?
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What are regular elections?

they are regular elections

When is voting held?

Elections are held whenever a government says so. For most political offices they are held at regular intervals, on or around a predetermined date with an interval between elections of a predetermined number of years. For some positions, like Pope, elections are held only when the holder of the position dies or resigns.

Why are elections not necessary?

In a Democratic country, open, free and fair elections ARE necessary, indeed VITAL.

Does Rwanda still have elections?

Yes they do have regular elections.

Is it better to hold regular elections after every few years?

Its good to have elections at regular intervals. If we have one president , then it will not be democracy but autocracy.

Is there a peaceful way to change japan's government?

Yes, Japan has regular parliamentary elections.

What are the features of representative democracy?

Regular elections

In a democracy it is essential that elections are?

Answer this question… regular and fair.

What are the main features of representative democracy?

Regular elections

Are there elections in Austria?

Austria is a federal republic hence there are elections. There are the elections of the federal government every five years. Furthermore elections are regularly held in each of the nine states of Austria and in all townships.The president is elected by direct vote in a 6 years interval. Head of government is the chancellor who becomes instated by the president after federal elections.

Why we need election?

We need elections because they give us chance to choose a leader for ruling us and it is necessary to have elections during the period of 5 years as politicians some times are not able to fulfill our needs .Therefore, it is necessary to have elections with sufficient representatives .

Why do need election?

We need elections because they give us chance to choose a leader for ruling us and it is necessary to have elections during the period of 5 years as politicians some times are not able to fulfill our needs .Therefore, it is necessary to have elections with sufficient representatives .