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Larger and aggressive pigs are used to scare away other animals and they are also used for food.

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14y ago
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6y ago

Doctors do not give pig blood to humans. Donated human blood is given to humans who need it.

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10y ago

It's used to drench people during prom

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Related questions

Do the fetal pig and mother pig share the same blood?

No the fetal pig and the mother pig's blood never mix. This is the same with humans and many other placental mammals such as horses and cows.

Is pig blood poisonous?

Yes! an air rifle pellet dipped in pig's blood can cause serious wound infection if fired on humans.

How does a guinea pig give birth?

Like humans out the vigina

What are the organs that make up a pig's circulatory system?

That would be the same organs as in humans. That would be the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

Can humans catch anything from guinea pigs?

No humans can not give lice to guinea pigs. Guinea pigs and small animals all have a different type of lice that can spread from pig to pig. Humans can't give it to pigs and pigs can't give it to humans, but they can give it to other small animals so be carfeful.

Is a guinea pig cold transferable to humans?

No, a guinea pig's cold is not transferable to humans.

Is there blood when a guinea pigs give birth?

=yes of cource==the blood helps the guinea pig push out the sacks with the babies inside=

What does it mean when guinea pig have wide eyes?

its the same thing as humans when they are either surprised or like the treat you give them?

How do the limbs of a pig differ markedly from those of humans?

how do the limbs of a pig differ markedly from those of humans?

Can a guinea pig drink as much alcohol as humans?

Why the heck would give a guinea pig beer?!?!?! No way. You shouldn't be a pet owner. *ever*.

What are the natural predators to a pig?


What are the enemies for a wild pig?
