

Why do dogs like tennis balls?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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15y ago

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Dogs like sport balls no matter what type.

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Q: Why do dogs like tennis balls?
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Related questions

How many balls do dogs have?

If the dog has a big mouth at the most is 6 tennis balls.

What is the world record for most tennis balls in a dogs mouth?

69 sixtynine like the number of human balls i can hold in my mouth at once

Where do tennis balls get used?

On Tennis Courts? ;) Also on chair legs and with dogs. ;D

Why do dogs love tennis balls?

Dogs love to chase tennis balls due to their inherent hunting instincts. Specifically, dogs have evolved to pursue any moving object, as this trait enabled them to hunt successfully.

What ball do dogs like the best?

Yorkshire Terriers like: Plastic balls & Tennis balls Border collies like: Cricket balls & giant spongy balls westies like: a soft big bouncy ball Jack Russels like: Very bouncy balls Thats all i now for now if you need any more advice on dogs email me at

Are tennis balls safe for puppies?

not for puppies, they use them for big dogs, if u want a tennis ball for youre puppy go to a pet store and buy special tennis balls

What is the name of the nz lotto ad song that has the tennis balls and the dogs in the video?

Believe it or not!

How are tennis balls different?

Because not like other balls they have four different types of balls. These balls have different speeds.

What does a dog do at home?

It depends on their breed and nature but most dogs enjoy sleeping, eating and playing with tennis balls.

What do collies like to play with?

Tennis balls. Anything you throw at them they are more than happy to get. Border Collies are the throw-the-ball kind of dogs instead of the in-your-face-cuddly dogs though they can be at times. That is unless you have a ball in your hand.

What makes a racketball and tennis ball different from each other?

tennis balls are furry and raquet balls are not . tennis balls are also bigger.

Why do you use new tennis balls and not old tennis balls?

New tennis balls are considered fresh and not "flat". Old tennis balls exposed to play and air become flat and do not perform normally in a match.