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Q: Why do estuaries support such an abundance of life?
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Why do estuaries support such an abundance?

Estuaries support such an abundance of life because they provide a unique mix of nutrients from freshwater and saltwater sources, creating a rich and diverse ecosystem. The sheltered nature of estuaries also creates habitats that are ideal for many species to breed, feed, and seek protection from predators. Additionally, estuaries act as nurseries for juvenile fish and other organisms, contributing to the high levels of biodiversity found in these ecosystems.

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What are the effects of light on distribution and abundance of living organisms?

Light affects the abundance and distribution of living organisms through its affect on primary producers. Plants depend on light. The more plant life is available, the more animal life the biome can support.

What life form are dependent on estuaries?


What life forms depend on estuaries?

algea,birds,mammals,fish and other wildlife

What are the major life zones in a coral reefs?

bays, estuaries, coastal wetlands, shorelines

Why are estuaries critical to both land and water?

Estuaries are critical to land and water because they are home to many forms of organisms and support high productivity. They are also where the salt water of the oceans is diluted from the fresh water of rivers.

What is the collective noun for life?

There is no specific collective noun for life. Try an abundance of life.

What characteristics make an estuary such a productive ecosystem?

Well, When water drains from a terrestrial biome into an aquatic biome, it carries with it dissolved nutrients. This stimulates diversity and abundance of organisms in the aquatic life. Question: Estuaries are highly productive because Answer: they receive nutrients delivered by rivers and stirred up by tide action.

What is happening to many estuaries?

What is happening to estuaries?

Why does Europe lack plant life?

Europe does not lack plant life. It has an abundance of plant life.

What minerals do estuaries contain?

Estuaries contain an incredible number of minerals which vary in quantity. All the land that is drained by the rivers, creeks, and streams feeding the river that leads to the estuary will contribute to the mineral content. In abundance you would find calcite, feldspars, quartz, clay minerals, mica, iron minerals, salts, elemental metals, hornblende.