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Q: Why do fans have 5 blades?
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How tall is Anna Blades?

Anna Blades is 5'.

How many fans for mahesh babu?

5 Lakhs Above Followers

What is the birth name of Bennie Blades?

Bennie Blades's birth name is Horatio Benedict Blades.

How tall is Alan Beckwith?

According to some fans who have met him, he's about 5' 9" or 5' 10"

When was Mollie Blades born?

Mollie Blades was born on April 22, 1954.

Related questions

Why fans have three wings?

Actually some have more than 3. Three is the minimum to keep things balanced. With 1 or 2 blades, the fan will tend to wobbel depending on geometry and material used. IE there are 1 and 2 foam blades used on hand held sprtitzer devices that tourists carry around. Since the weight is minimal and cost is essential, it works. However for home ceiling fans, its important to have 3-5 blades. Generally the 5 blade fans have longer blades and are used for large rooms that nee more air pushed.

Why do most fans have just five blades?

For balance.

Why do ceiling fans wabol?

The blades are out of balance. Probably dirt.

What is the difference between fans with 3 and 4 blades?

nothing a fan with three blades is just weaker and smaller than a fan with four blades! <3

Why does a fan has odd number of wings?

Fans typically have an odd number of blades to minimize the interference caused by blade passage. Having an odd number of blades helps to create a more uniform airflow and reduces vibrations. This design is also more efficient in terms of airflow and noise generation compared to even-numbered blades.

Is fan operating in ac voltage?

A fans blades are driven by motors. Since there are both AC and DC motors, fans can be AC or DC. The fans in your computer are DC fans. Your ceiling fans are AC fans. (Thanks for fixing my answer)

How tall is Melissa Blades?

Melissa Blades is 5' 5".

What do the blades of a wind turbine look like?

They look like propellers, or fans.

How do fans make wind?

Slanting the blades pushes air in a perpendicular direction to the plane of rotation.

Why do electric fans produce air?

Electric fans produce air by using an electric motor to rotate blades, creating airflow. The movement of the blades pushes surrounding air, creating a breeze that helps to cool the surrounding area.

Why do fans have 3 wings?

An electrical fan can have two, three or four blades. The main thing is that the number of blades must be balanced to avoid juddering.

When power a fan using a simple electric motor the fan's shaft and blades are attached to?

Fans shaft and blades are attached to rotor shaft of the motor