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Because they have a naturally small bone structure meaning they have the ability to be much thinner without resorting to unnatural measures.

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Q: Why do fat people have thin wrists and ankles?
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Why are your wrists so thin?

Usually, thw wrists are fairly thin and do not take on fat deposits as easily as other areas of the body (thighs, stomach, ect.) will. People who are thin will also tend to have naturally very bony wrists.

If women have fat ankles what does that mean?

it means they have fat ankles

Who starves to death faster fat or thin people?

Thin, because fat people have stored fat in their bodies. They can realse that fat and it will provide energy. Unlike thin people, they do not have as much fat and will die easier.

Why fat people dont feel much cold than thin people?

fat people tend to feel warmer than thin people because in everyone there is a layer of fat which insulates the body.In fat people there is a thicker layer of fat hence they will feel warmer as a pose thin people who have a thin layer of fat

Are fat people more lucky?

No, people have the same luck, fat or thin!!

Why are your arm veins so visible?

Because skinny people have less or no fat on them which causes more veins to show throuought their body......really depends on the person tho i have veins on bith sides of my head and im very skinny as well

What are greggs aim and objectives?

To make thin people fat and fat people even fatter :)

Are thin people more at risk for heart attack?

Thin people are at less risk for a heart attack. The main cause of a heart attack is when a plug of fat lodges in an artery that nourishes the heart. Thin people have less fat. They usually have less fat (actually ldl cholesterol or triglicerides) than fat people.

Where do fat come from?

from thin people who ate too much

Can thin people beat fat people?

Yes. And vise-versa.

Where do fat people come from?

People come in all shapes and sizes due to a combination of genetic factors, lifestyle choices, and individual differences in metabolism. Weight can also be influenced by factors such as diet, exercise habits, medical conditions, and medications. It's important to remember that body size is not an indicator of a person's worth or value.

Why are fat people stronger then thin people?

Body fat can act like muscle, though it's not as effective.