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Q: Why do features in Saturns atmosphere appear to be fainter and more washed out than comparable features in Jupiters atmosphere?
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How are the rings of Saturn are different from the rings of Jupiter?

jupiters rings are bigger than Saturns.

How can Saturns atmosphere?

it has very heavy atmosphere

What gases are in Saturns atmosphere?


Is Saturns atmosphere bigger than Earths?


What makes Saturns atmosphere?

Mostly hydrogen and helium.

How dence is saturns atmosphere?

0.69 g/cm^3

What major gases make up saturns atmosphere?

hydrogen and helium

What is Saturns's atmosphere like?

Cloudy and cold. It is mainly hydrogen and helium.

What is the largest of Saturns moons?

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn, and it is the second largest moon in our solar system. It is known for its thick atmosphere and methane lakes.

How does saturns size and atmosphere compare to earth?

it is bigger, much bigger. The atmosphere is different because of the gases that compose it.

What is Saturns' atmosphere composition?

It is a gassy planet like Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune

What is the composition of the atmosphere of saturns moon titan?

It's over 95% nitrogen. The rest is methane.