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There are several reasons; supply and demand, weather, recouping capital and O&M expenses from the rate payers, and legislation. The two primary reasons is weather (warm winter results in less demand, thus less margin), and legislation (environmental, taxes, etc).

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Q: Why do fossil fuels increase each year?
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Related questions

When will fossil fuels completely ran out?

Fossil fuels will completely ran out in the year 2,300.

How much fossil fuels are burnt every year?

2 gallons of fossil fuels are burnt a day

Why is oil an non renewable resource?

Because oil comes from fossil fuels and fossil fuels takes million of year to form.

How much do fossil fuels pollute per year?

An estimated 35.6 billion metric tons are made from burning fossil fuels every year, and that number rises sharply every year.

How much fossil fuels does California use in a year?


How many fossil fuels are drilled or mined a year?

a boat load

How many megatons of carbon do humans produce by burning fossils fuels each year?

Total world energy-related carbon dioxide emissions were 29.7 billion metric tons in 2007.A:Humans add about 27 billion tonnes (nearly 30 billion US tons) of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels every year.

Which best describe how fossil fuels form?

Over period of millions of year.

What green house gasses do fossil fuels emit?

Chiefly carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are primarily carbon. When burned, this carbon combines with atmospheric oxygen to form CO2. CO2 is a heat trapping gas which lingers for centuries, and human consumption of fossil fuel now liberates over 20 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Is corn a fossil fuel or plant resource?

It is a plant resource. More info: Fossil fuels come from decayed plants and animals. Fossil fuels are a limited non renewable energy source. A plant resource can usually be regrown every year and therefore has no production limit.

Why are fossil fuels considered to be non renewable energy sources?

Because for them to replenish takes millions of year.

Why are fossil fuels increasing year by year?

Fossil fuels are not increasing year by year. However, the known reserves of fossil fuels may be increasing, depending on the success of exploration efforts and the rate of depletion of the reserves. Also, reserves are divided into producible and non-producible portions, with the distinction based on what is considered economical to extract given current prices. As the producible portion is used up and as extraction technology improves, the dividing line between producible and non-producible moves and the producible portion may grow.