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Since temperature is related to air pressure. As the sun heats the ground or ocean, warning them, the air near the ground or ocean warms and becomes less dense. As this happens the air begins rising, which lowers the air pressure at the Earth's surface. In detecting atmospheric pressure, a barometer measures the weight of the column of air that stretches directly above it from the Earth's surface to the top of the atmosphere. If air pressure goes up, this means that more air molecules are moving into that column of the atmosphere than are leaving it. Essentially, this "piling on" of air molecules increases air density, makes the column of air heavier and causes it to sink resulting in higher atmospheric pressure. Cold air entering a region would cause pressure to rise.

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5d ago

When gas particles are heated, they gain kinetic energy and move faster. As a result, they collide more frequently with other gas particles, causing the gas to expand and become less dense. This leads to gas particles rising due to the decrease in density compared to the surrounding cooler air.

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13y ago

When gas particles are heated they gain energy so they start moving faster and faster. This causes them to spread out and rise.

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Q: Why do gas particles rise when they are heated?
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What happens to the speed of gas when heated?

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How does that speed of the particles of a gas change when the gas is heated?

When gas is heated then its molecule get energy and start to move faster.

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The motion of particles is accelerated.

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bubbles rise to the surface of a heated liquid as it changes to gas because they are less dense than the liquid.

What happens to the particles ina gas went they are heated?

The particles start moving faster and the matter expands.

Do gas particles vibrate while they move?

Not to my knowledge, they only vibrate if they are heated

Do gas particles speed up or slow down when heated?

They speed up.

What does the particle theory suggest about the motion of the particles of solids-liquids and gases when they are heated?

When a solid, liquid or gas is heated the particles in the substance speed up and gets less dense. The particles also spreads out.

What does the particle theory suggest about the motion of the particles of solids liquids and gases when they are heated?

The particle theory suggests that when solids, liquids, and gases are heated, the particles within them gain kinetic energy and move faster. In solids, the particles vibrate more vigorously but remain in fixed positions. In liquids, the particles move more freely but are still close together. In gases, the particles move rapidly and are spaced far apart.

Why does a gass expand when heated and contract when cooled?

When a gas is heated up, the particles within the gas start to move faster, going farther apart (expansion). When a gas is cooled, the particles slow down and it starts to condense (contract), and if cooled enough, into a liquid.

What happens to the particles in a liquid when it is heated?

They begin to vibrate more quickly when a liquid is heated, it will evaporate. ie. the liquid will turn to vapour (gas). if the vapour i s collected, it will turn back to the liquid again once it is cooled (condensation) muck love, kate

What happens when a heated liquid turns into a gas?

Its particles acquire greater kinetic energy.