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Guinea pigs tend, and LOVE to chew on multiple things. They don't actually try to eat and swallow it, they just need to trim down their teeth, because a guinea pig's teeth never stops growing. Otherwise, if it actually DOES eat and swallow it's plasic container, it's really hungry. Make sure to feed your guinea pig right!

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11y ago

they have no knowing where theyre pooing

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Q: Why do guinea pigs poop in food dish?
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Is guinea pigs brains the size of there poop?

About but not quite. guinea pigs brains are bigger than poop.

Do guinea pigs poop?


Do guinee pigs poop in the same spot each time or not?

Guinea pigs will poop in spots where they go a lot like around their food bowl, timothy hay, toys, or water bottle.

Where do guinea pigs poop?

everywhere and in great volume.

How many times does guinea pigs poop in a day?

Can't say, it depends. Who would count? A lot, though.

Do guinea pigs poop heaps when they are pregnant?

in my experience (4 times) guinea's don't poo abnormal amounts.

Why do guinea pigs eat their poop?

its okay if guinea pigs eat their own poop because they don't get enough mineral so they eat their own poop to get it so its okayYeah what she said all though its like Poop it isn't well squishy they eat so they can digest their food properly too.This type of poop contains vitamins, minerals and some proteins that were not absorbed when ingested first time. So in order to get these vitamins, minerals and proteins into their system, guinea pigs reingest this type of poop.

Why is your guinea pigs poop crumbly?

your guinea pigs poo shouldn't be crumbly it should be moist and in a pellet shape. You should be feeding your guinea pig other things than just dry food. We feed our every thing from silver beat to left over salad! If this continues i suggest you see a vet or get a vets advice

Do guinea pigs poop alot before they give birth?

probly, cus the babies are pushing on her stomach

Why is a guinea pig stools really big?

a guinea pigs poop should only be the size of a baby's middle fingernail. if its bigger thasn that, take it to the vet.

Why does a male guinea pig start eating all of his droppings?

Both male and Female guinea pigs sometimes eat their droppings. the reason is that their poop contains minerals that are helpful to the guinea pig.

What does it mean when a guinea pig urines on you?

it doesnt mean anything....guinea pigs can urintae and poop on u at anytime....carry a towel on ur lap to avoid accidents