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Hot air rises and the fire in the hot air balloon wants to go up and float in the air and since it's can't escape the balloon the fire just brings the balloon with it to float in the air

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Q: Why do hot air balloons float in the air?
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Where in the atmosphere do hot air balloons float?

Hot air balloons float because hot air displaces cool air in the atmosphere

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Why do hot air balloons float up?


How air balloons float?

They are filled with hot air. The hot air raises and take the balloon with it

Why do you think hot-air balloons can rise into the air?

Hot-air balloons can rise up into the air because hot air is lighter, allowing it to float up into the sky.

How does warm air balloons float?

"Warm air", otherwise known as Hot Air Balloons, float because of one basic Law of Thermodynamics; heat rises. The air in a hot air balloon is hot, therefore, the balloon rises.

Does a hot air balloon float or fly?

a hot air balloons floats. something to do with buoyancy

What is added to balloons and hot air balloons?

Balloons can be filled with air (don't float), or with hydrogen or helium (float because the gas is less dense). Hot air balloons use burners to heat the air so that it becomes slightly less dense than the cooler air around it, providing some lift.

Do hot air balloons fly or glide?

neither..... they float with the wind! :-)

What makes a hot air balloon float?

A hot air balloon is able to float because the hot air being released into the balloon is less dense than the colder air surrounding it. Basically, the burner under the hot air balloons fills the balloons with hot air, enabling the balloon to rise through the cooler air outside.

Why do balloons float up into the air?

At a hot air balloon festival, hot air balloons slowly fill and then rise majestically in the predawn sky. These hot air balloons fly because of two fundamental principles of physics: the ideal gas law and Archimedes's principle.

Why do hot air balloons rise with hot air?

Hot air is less dense than cooler air, therefore the balloon will rise (float) on the cooler air around it.