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In the Periodic Table only the chemical elements appear; but tables for isotopes also exist.

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Q: Why do individual isotopes not appear on the periodic table?
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Related questions

Are most of the periodic table isotopes?

No most of them are not isotopes. Few elements exist as isotopes.

What can you not find on the periodic table?

Isotopes of each element.

Where do radioactive atoms start on the periodic table?

After lead, all elements on the periodic table have only radioactive isotopes.

What is the position of isotopes in the modern periodic table?

Isotopes are atoms of same element having different atomic mass, but the same atomic number. Isotopes have not been given separate place in the modern periodic table.

How many isotopes are stable in potassium?

look at a periodic table :)

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What is the lightest element on the periodic table with no stable isotopes?

the answer is Technetium

Mass number Why is it not the number on the periodic table?

Elements have different isotopes and each isotope will have different atomic mass. As such it is not possible to list the mass number of all the isotopes on the periodic table. However, the atomic mass is generally given on the periodic table which is generally calculated taking into account all the isotopes and its percentage.

How are isotopes placed in the periodic table?

Isotopes and their prevalence are not shown on the periodic table. Instead, the atomic weight shown for each element is an average of the atomic weights of all naturally-occurring isotopes (calculated from percentages occurring on Earth).

Why does the mass number not appear on the periodic table?

Mass number is a property specific to a particular isotope or nuclide of an element, while the usual periodic table include average properties for all the stable, naturally occurring isotopes of each element.

How will the modern periodic table be disturbed if isotopes of an element are discovered now?

The periodic table would be disturbed only if isotopes of a new element are discovered, because a periodic table is based on order of atomic number, not atomic mass. If new isotopes of a previously known element were discovered, the atomic mass shown in the periodic table might be changed, but this is very unlikely because the atomic masses shown in a periodic table are based on the naturally occurring distribution of isotopes, and any newly discovered isotopes would probably occur only in very small fractions of the total.

What 2 letters never appear on the periodic table?

The letters "J" and "Q" do not appear in the Periodic Table .