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Because by definition, ionic bond is the force of attraction between positively charged cations and negatively charged anions. To form ions, atoms should be gained (resulting in anions) and lost (resulting in cations).

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Q: Why do ionic bond need to gain and loss electrons?
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A bond formed by the gain or loss of electrons from the outer electron shell?

Ionic bond

What are formed by a loss or gain of valence electrons during a chemical combination of elements?

Cations are formed by the loss of electrons, anions are formed by the gain of electrons. The force of attraction between cations and anions results in ionic bond.

What bond involves the gain and loss of electrons?

Ionic bonds involve an element gaining an electron and an element losing an electron.Ionic bonds differ from covalent bonds in that covalent bonds cause elements to "share" electrons, while in ionic bonds there is a distinct transfer of electrons.Ionic Bond.

Bonding that involves the exchange or gain loss of electrons is known as?

ionic bonding

What is the difference between a ionic bond covalent bond and a polar covalent bond?

The ionic bond is formed by electrostatic attraction between two atoms.In the polar covalent bond the electrons sharing is unequally distributed between the two atoms, but the bond remain covalent.

What are the similar  between ionic and covalent bonding?

Ionic and covalent bonding involve electrons. Ionic bonding involves the loss and gain of electrons, form ions. Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons.

Do Ionic compounds gain or lose electrons?

Ionic compounds are compounds with an electrical charge. That means that both cations (loss of electron) and anions (gain of electron) are ionic. In a salt where a cation and anion is combined the net sum of electrons is the same.

What is the difference between convent and ionic bonds?

Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms, and ionic bonds involve the gain and loss of electrons, which forms ions.

What Bond forms due to the attraction between atoms where electrons are transferred?

ionic bonding- when a negatively charged atom is attract to a positively charged atom due to the loss or gain of a negatively charged electon.

Will an atom containing two electrons in its outer orbit loose or gain electrons to form an ionic bond?

An atom with incomplete octet tends to attain the noble gas configuration by the gain or loss of electrons. If an atom contains 2 electrons in its outer orbit, it would be more energy efficient for it to lose the two electrons and complete the octet, as opposed to gaining 6 electrons for the same.

What is a biography on a ionic bond?

I'm not sure why there would be a biography on an ionic bond but, ionic bonds are when atoms bond by transferring electrons.

How does a metallic bond differ from ionic bond?

Ionic bonds are formed when a Cation (loss of some # of e- makes it positive) and and Anion (gain of e- makes it negative) transfer electrons to/from each other in order to form a more stable compound. They will gain/lose e- in order to have full valence shells. Metallic bonding is different because there is an "Electron Sea" where electrons can float from one atom to another, thus allowing metals to conduct electricity.