

Why do liquids move?

Updated: 6/1/2024
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10y ago

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The molecules in a liquid are spread out more than that of a solid. This allows the molecules to move freely in between the other molecules. All molecules move. They just move quicker in liquids because they have more space to go.

Imagine this -

A solid - A room with lots of people in, they all want to move somewhere but they can't because the room is too small and there's too many people in the room.

A liquid - A room with lots of people in, the room is bigger and everybody has lots of space to move around.


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4d ago

Liquids move due to the kinetic energy of their particles. The particles in a liquid are free to flow and slide past one another, allowing the liquid to take the shape of its container and to move under the influence of external forces like gravity or pressure imbalances.

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10y ago

Liquids move due to gravity and/or heat.

If you were to place a liquid on a perfectly level surface with an even field of gravity under it, the liquid would not roll or spill due to gravety. But it would still be in constant motion due to the heat energy in the molecules of the liquid. And this heat energy would cause the liquid to "jitter" slightly.

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