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All living organisms eventually die because cells are progressively worn down by free radicals. Free radicals, or reactive oxygen species, are produced as side products from the biochemical reactions of cell metabolism. They are unstable molecules that will react with, and thereby damage, almost anything they come into contact with, including DNA, cell membranes, and proteins.

Through evolution, organisms have developed mechanims to cope with free radicals and dispel their harmful effects. However, the detrimental effects of free radicals on cells eventually overcomes these coping mechanisms as the organism ages, eventually resulting in death.

You may ask why evolution hasn't taken a step further and developed a never ending mechanism to deal with the free radical problem. The answer lies in the properties of evolution itself. Selective pressures on species only acts on individuals at the reproductive stage of life. Natural selection of an individual that lives longer over an individual that doesn't live as long wouldn't take place as both are able to pass on their genes.

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10h ago

Living organisms eventually die due to aging and the natural breakdown of their body's cells and systems over time. This process is influenced by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Aging leads to decreased ability to repair damage and maintain homeostasis, eventually resulting in the failure of vital organs and systems.

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