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The pull tabs which are most desirable for fundraising are pure aluminum, and aluminum is a non magnetic metal. By passing a magnet over or through your collection of tabs you can separate the non aluminum tabs which will yield a lower price per pound.

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Q: Why do magnets not attract to pull tabs?
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What does attract mean in sciencs?

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Magnets have a positive pole and a negative pole. Magnets attract positive to negative, and do not attract if you try to put postive to positive or negative to negative.

Do magnets attract all metals?

No. Magnets do not attract gold, silver, aluminum, brass, copper or lead. Magnets will attract nickel and iron or steel.

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Why do magnets not attract certain objects?

Because magnets only attract magnetic metals.

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Do magnets measure mass?

No they attract to other magnets.

What kinds of things attract magnets?

other magnets

Do magnets attract all objects?

No. Magnets can pull other magnets towards them, or push them away from them. If a magnet's north pole points towards another magnets north pole (or a south pole towards a south pole), they will repel, instead of pulling them towards them. On the other hand, if a magnet is brought near a piece of iron that is not already magnetic, it will induce magnetism in the iron, in such a way that the two magnets will attract one another. Yet on the other hand, magnets have hardly any influence on most substances.