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Many men are looking for sex and nothing more (depending on their age.) Also a high percentage of men are afraid of commitment. Some single young men's hormones are raging and sex and more sex is all they want and they want their freedom to date other women. Some older men may have had a bad experience with several women or, they have gone through a bad divorce and are 'gun shy.' A confident woman would take things slow and easy and never let the man know if you are lonely or desperate, but give them the sense (and women should be) that they are independent and can live life without a man. If you think a man of any age just wants sex and you want something more permanent in your life then dump these guys because there are still some great guys out there that are lonely and aren't afraid of commitment.

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Q: Why do men act interested and then completely back off when a woman shows interest?
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She keeps asking you out. :P

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If she ask for dates. And if she is found of you.

What if a man shows attraction to a woman but he says his girlfriend is beautiful?

That just means he is observant. We are all only human and regardless if we have a partner or not we will still look and that is completely normal. Do not read anymore into it than it is.

How do you get him interested again?

If you're a woman and want to increase his interest level, focus on yourself. Build your social value. Make yourself more attractive as a woman. This will by auto-pilot, amp up his attraction level towards you. Do not go crazy and chase him - this is only going to devalue your worth in his mind.