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Q: Why do most firms operate in Stage II of the three stages of production?
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Governments do not produce, they consume. However they have to deal with business to acquire the resources they need to operate.

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There are three main types of industry in which firms operate. These sectors form a chain of production which provides customers with finished goods or services.The chain of production shows interdependence: firms rely on other businesses in different sectors for raw materials, components or distribution.

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When foreign firms build production facilities in the United States, they are engaging in

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6 What are the advantage and disadvantage of level production schedules in firms with cyclical sales?

The advantage of the level production schedule in firms with cyclical sales is resources and labor are spread evenly. The disadvantage of the level production schedule is that it is a costly exercise.

How many countries does Deloitte operate in?

Deloitte firms have members in 140 different countries.

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It is false.It means when firms explicitly agree to co-operate rather than compete.

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