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Q: Why do narwhals have a giant tooth on their face?
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Do narwhals shed their tusks?

No, the narwhals tusk is actually an extended tooth.

Do narwhals have teeth?

Basically, it's tusk is it's only tooth.

Do narwhals grow their horn or tooth back if it gets broken?

The Narwhals tooth , teeth are it's horn, it / they grow continuously through it's life. Depending where the horn was broken , some growth may still occur.

Are narwhals scary?

Yea they ate my face and i had to have a stich

Why does a narwhal have a tusk?

Narwhals don't have a "tusk" the facial horn is actually a tooth that has grown through the lip.

Is narwhal related to unicorn?

Well, narwhals have a long, twisted tooth coming out from their mouth, but unicorns don't exist.

How long can a narwhals horn grow?

It is not actually a horn, but a tooth, and it can grow up to 9 feet long (no joke)

What kind of animal is a narwhal?

Narwhals breathe air so they are like land animals.

Why do Narwhals have a tusks?

The Narwhals tusks is just a tooth. It grows through a hole in its upper lip. it doesn't have any survival purpose. But used to joust one inother. i hope this helped u under stand why they have that "tusks"

In poptropica what is shark tooth island?

Shark tooth island is when you have to to save people from a giant shark

Why are narwhals dangerous?

Narwhals are dangerous because of their frontwards projecting tusk. The tusk actually is a tooth. It grows, long and sharp, out of the upper incisor. It may measure 2-3 meters/7-10 feet in length.

What are facts about the narwhals?

They Have A Unique Tusk-Like Horn That Forms From The Left Side Of Their Jaws,And They Are Related To The Medium Blue Tooth Whale.