

Why do narwhals live in the Antarctic?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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There are no Narwhals in Antarctic waters.

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Are Narwhals found in the Antarctic waters?


Do both Antarctic and Arctic have Narwhals?

No Narwhals only exist in the Arctic. The Southern Ocean is too cold for these animals.

What is the Narwhals migration route?

through the antarctic to the north pole/gayland

How old can narwhals live to?

narwhals can live as long as 50 years

What do baby narwhals do once there born?

they live baby narwhals live

Do narwhals lay eggs or have live young?

Narwhals give birth to live calves.

Do narwhals only live in the north pole?

Narwhals live in the Canadian and Greenlandic Arctic waters.

What is the narwhal's habitat?

Narwhals only live in the Arctic ocean.

Do narwhals have friends?

Narwhals live in groups of their own kind, called pods!

Do narwhals live in rainforest?

No. Narwhals -- whales -- do not live in tropical climates. They live in the Arctic Ocean Near Greenland and off the coast of Canada.

Do narwhals live in the rainforest?

No. Narwhals -- whales -- do not live in tropical climates. They live in the Arctic Ocean Near Greenland and off the coast of Canada.

Where else do narwhals live?

Narwhals live in the Arctic Ocean around Greenland, Eastern Canada and other Northern Countries.