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because there vocal pipes are not exercised cause they have nothing to worry about MY DUBA

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Q: Why do norwegian forest cats have a quiet meow?
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Related questions

Do Birman cats meow a lot?

Birman cats do not meow a lot; in fact, they are known for being docile and quiet.

Why does cats meow a lot?

because the can tell if they are in troble and if a storm is coming Why do we talk a lot? Because we like to communicate! It's the same for cats; some are quiet, and some aren't.

What are other names for meow meow?

a cats voice

Do cats only meow around people?

No. Cats will vocalize around other cats, and a mother cat will meow to call her kittens.

Do Himalayan kittens meow?

Yes, all kittens meow even cats meow.

How do cats meow?

by their mouth

How do you meow like cats?

what you do is you say ow not meow in a cat pitch.

What time period did saber-toothed cats appear?

meow. meow.

What causes allergy to cats?

taking too much meow meow

What does a silent meow mean?

A silent meow doesn't mean anything i know this may sound strange but quite a lot of cats cannot meow they try but they can't. i have 2 female cats and they both cannot meow.

Lions roar and dogs bark what do cats do?

cats meow.

What do cats say?

Cats , in a general manner, say "meow".