

Why do obese people flatulate so much?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Obese people have been shown to be more flatulent than people of a normal weight. The reasons for this are that obese people are usually less active and that there is typically more food in the body being digested.

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How many people are obese in America?

49,760,000 people in America are obese, and I am not sure how much of that is adult but Im sure it is over half, so about 30,000,000.

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They are weight classifications based on the BMI: (for an adult) >50 = "super obese" obese class 3 40-50 = "morbidly obese" obese class 2 35-40 = "severely obese" obese class 1 30-35 = "obese" 25-30 = "overweight" 18.5-25 = "normal weight" <18.5 = "underweight"

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because they are steroitypical. although i thinks so too. nearly every American i have met are obese or overweight

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Do fat kids like skinny people?

yes! they do! i used to be obese and i did! its every obese persons dream!! and there is nothing wrong with it either!! but sometimes when kids make fun of them they will slowly get away from liking skinny people. so if you like an obese person go and show them you do!!

Why are some Americans very obese?

Many Americans now a days do not get enough exercise and do not eat healthy, resulting in obesity. However, just because a person is obese does not mean they are of extreme fatness or unhealthiness. There is a flaw in the BMI system, muscular people, when positioned right, are considered obese, and even tall people who are of a little overweightness are considered obese. So of the 30% of Americans that are obese, about 5-10% of the people fall into the flaw category, meaning really about 20-25% of Americans are obese due to fat.

What is the percent of people that are fat in America?

54% of America is overweight and 25% of America is obese. Obviously, the obese people are also included in the overweight people

What do obese people lack?

Personally; I think that obese people lack the amount of exercise however many people who are obese have a problem (arthritis) for example; this could be in their legs/ feet or anywhere else, this causes them to not be able to walk and so they can't get about. Another thing is they can sometimes overeat people call it 'comfort food' people usually turn to this like some people turn to alcohol or drugs, maybe if they have received some bad news, or they are going through a bad divorce. Also; some people are obese because they may lack self asteem and not want to do much or go anywhere; this could be because they are singled out, or simply aren't very sociable.

How do you get obese in 1 day?

You can't. It takes many months to become obese. You might gain a pound or two in a week if you eat so much that you feel sick every single meal ...