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well usually you need something stronger then a magnifying glass, but it increases the heat from the sun and burns something in its radius

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2mo ago

When light is concentrated through a magnifying glass, it focuses the light energy onto a small area, increasing the intensity of the light and heat generated. This can raise the temperature of the object to a point where it can catch fire or burn.

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Q: Why do objects burn when light shines through a magnifying glass?
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What is a magnifying glass made of?

the magnifying glass has a convex lens and it curves to magnify objects.

What tool has a convex lens?

A magnifying glass is a tool that has a convex lens. The convex shape of the lens allows it to magnify objects when they are viewed through it.

What is lens that makes objects look larger called?

A magnifying lens or magnifying glass is used to make objects appear larger when viewed through it.

Does a magnifying glass reflect or refract?

A magnifying glass refracts light. When light passes through the lens of a magnifying glass, it is bent or refracted, which causes objects to appear larger when viewed through the lens. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, like a mirror.

What kind of lens are used in a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass typically uses a convex lens, which is curved outward, to magnify objects. This type of lens causes the light passing through it to converge, making objects appear larger when viewed through the lens.

Water as a magnifying glass?

Water can act as a magnifying glass by bending light rays that pass through it, causing objects to appear larger or closer. This effect is similar to how a traditional magnifying glass works by refracting light to create a magnified image.

What is Used to make a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass is typically made with a convex lens, usually made of glass or plastic. The lens is specially shaped to magnify objects when viewed through it. The handle of the magnifying glass is usually made of plastic or metal for easy handling.

A magnifying glass has a lens?

Yes, a magnifying glass typically has a convex lens that is curved outward to magnify objects when viewed through it. The lens bends light rays to converge at a focal point, magnifying the image seen through the lens.

Why are objects that are underwater appear closer than they are?

Light refracting through the water acts like a magnifying glass.

Does a magnifying glass refract or reflect light?

A magnifying glass refracts light, bending the light rays that pass through it to converge at a focal point. This concentrated light can then be used to magnify and enhance the visibility of objects.

What does a magnifying glass do to objects?

Magnifing glass does nothing to the objects but they prepare images of objects that are larzer than objects. U can take example of distorting mirror when mirror produce image it dont do any distortion to the objects but the image produced is distorted

Can you make a magnifying glass out of a water drop?

Yes, you can create a makeshift magnifying glass by placing a water drop on a clear surface such as glass or plastic. The water drop acts as a lens, causing light to converge and magnify objects when viewed through it. It may not work as effectively as a traditional magnifying glass, but it can still be a fun and simple experiment to try.