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The molecules of the gas are spread further apart. The forces of attraction between them is very less, almost negligible.

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2mo ago

Particles in a gas have more kinetic energy than in a liquid, allowing them to move more freely and quickly. In a gas, particles are far apart and experience weak intermolecular forces, while in a liquid, particles are closer together and experience stronger intermolecular forces, restricting their movement.

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Q: Why do particles move more freely in a gas than in a liquid?
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Do particles move faster in a gas or liquid?

Particles generally move faster in a gas compared to a liquid. In a gas, particles have more energy and move more freely and quickly as they are not as tightly packed as in a liquid. Conversely, in a liquid, particles are closer together and interact more, resulting in slower movement.

How is the movement of particles in a gas differ from the movement of particles in liquid?

In a gas, the particles are more spaced out and move more freely and independently of each other, with higher kinetic energy. In a liquid, particles are closer together and move with less freedom, maintaining some connections with neighboring particles due to intermolecular forces.

Particles in a liquid move around just as freely as particles in a solid?

Solid: Locked in a crystaline structure, however they do vibrate slightly. Liquid: Particles are attracted to one another but can flow freely. Gas: Particles move with total freedom.

How does particles react when they change from a solid to a liquid and to a gas?

When particles change from a solid to a liquid, they gain enough energy to break free from their fixed positions and move more freely. When transitioning from a liquid to a gas, particles gain even more energy and move even more freely, spreading out to fill the available space.

How do particles move differently in a solid a liquid and a gas?

particles in a solid are packed close together and vibrate. the particles in a liquid are loosely packed together and can move freely but not putting too much space between them. the particles in a gas are very spread apart and can move anywhere. does this help you understand?

What does a liquid do to change into a gas?

it must be heated where it's particles seperate to allow them to move more freely

How are the particles in a liquid different from the particles in a solid?

a gas have no definite shape so the particles can move around freely but in a liquid ,which has a definite shape, particles move around but are restricted

What is the movement of particles in a solid liquid and gas?

The particles in a solid are close together.They are fixed in pace but can vibrate.The particles that make up a liquid are close together but usually farther apart than the particles in a solid are.They can slide freely past one another.The particles in gas are farther apart than particles in a liquid and solid.Gas particles move freely in any directions.

How are the molecules in a gas different than the molecules in the liquid?

In a gas, molecules have higher kinetic energy, move more freely, and are spaced farther apart compared to a liquid. In a liquid, molecules are closer together, have lower kinetic energy, and move more slowly than in a gas.

What are the movement of particles in a liquid?

the particles in liquid move around slowly in the liquid

How do the particles move in liquids?

The particles in liquid move freely.

Do particles move in liquid?

In a liquid particles move around freely and are constantly interacting with each other. They move by bouncing off each other creating friction.