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Many sea creatures have dark backs and pale undersides. When they're swimming, predators (or prey) below them will have a hard time seeing their white fronts against the light coming from above, while predators (or prey) that are above them will have a hard time seeing their dark backs against the dark water below them. This is a form of countershading.

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Q: Why do penguins have white fronts and black backs?
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Why do penguins have a black and white coat?

they are black and white because preditors from the bottom see white when they look up and a penguins belly is white. Then preditors from the top see black and penguins backs are BLACK

What are tuxedo-wearing birds?

No birds wear a tuxedo, but with their white fronts and black sides and backs, some kinds of penguins look like they're wearing tuxedos.

Do any penguins have black bellies and black backs?

No penguin species has a black belly and black back. The white belly with darker back is an environmental adaptation. The white front makes it harder for predators to see penguins when they are swimming.

Are normal penguins black or white?

normal penguins are black and white

What is the difference between emperor penguins and penguins?

The similarities between the Emperor Penguin and the Tufted Puffin are black overcoats and white bellies. They normally stay and nest in huge numbers.

Are penguins black?

Black and White

Why are peguins black and white?

penguins are black and white because the colors atract mates so penguins can reproduce

What colors are penguins?

they are black n white Typically, penguins do have a black head and back, but a white belly. Some kinds of Penguins also do have bright yellow parts in their face.

Are penguins black and white?


How does the feature of penguins body covering that protects it from its predator and environment?

Most penguins have white bellies and black backs so that when you look at them from above or below underwater they bend in. Their feathers also trap air bubbles which provide insulation from the cold.

What color is the penguins?

penguins tummy's are white the rest of there body is black.

What black and white birds make their home in Antarctica?
