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penguins keep their eggs on their feet to keep the egg warm.if its not on their feet it might die.

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Q: Why do penguins keep their eggs on their feet?
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Related questions

What are pengins feet used for?

For penguins to stand and also for them to keep their eggs off the ice/snow.

What animals carries its eggs underneath it body?

penguins, in a special pouch just above their feet designed to keep the egg warm.

What do penguins and birds have in common?

Penguins and Birds both have beaks and lay eggs they also keep their eggs warm by there fethers

Can penguins eggs touch ice?

Penguins' feet are where eggs are hatched, covered by the belly flap of fat that the penguin parents flop over the top of the egg to keep it warm. Notably, Emperor Penguin males hatch eggs this way, so the females can trek off to open water to feed.

How do penguins take care of their eggs?

Penguins keep their eggs inside a little flap of skin between their feet. But in specific species of penguins in Southern Africa, Australia, and Southern South America, they can make a nest of rocks and roll their eggs into the nest and lay on their stomach, on the egg to keep it warm.the parent penguins will take it in turn to stand on the egg to keep it warm, the parent who isn't standing on the egg, would go into the ocean and look for food (fish) to bring back to the family.

What animal dad keeps it's eggs warm under it's feet?

Penguins, but the egg aren't under their feet, but in a pouch. Watch the movie The March of the Penguins.

How emperor penguins keep their eggs warm in the south pole?

They keep the eggs on top of their feet and enclosed in a fold of abdominal skin. The female lays the egg and shortly after quickly transfers it to the male's care. The male stays with the egg for the entire incubation period.

How are penguins adapted to life in the sea?

penguins have strong wings so they can swim 'fluffy fur so they keep warm and to keep there eggs and children warm

What are features of Fairy Penguins?

Penguins have a thick layer of insulating feathers that keeps them warm in water. They also are able to reduce the amount of blood that gets cold, but still keep themselves from freezing. They often huddle together to keep warm.

Why do penguins only lay one egg?

It is tricky for penguins to keep their eggs warm in the cold climate of Antarctica, and they have to hold the egg on top of their feet rather than allowing it to touch the ice. This can only be managed with one egg at a time.

What type of eggs do penguins lay?

penguins eggs

How do emperor penguins hatch their eggs?

They put the egg on their feet, then they cover it with a fold of skin on their bellies.