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  • Not all people will continue to lie when the truth is found out, but those that do may be compulsive liars (a psychological dysfunction) and truly believe that they did not lie. Other people are upset and perhaps can be in a rage over the fact they were found out they were lying and feel backed into a corner so they will continue to lie to try to squirm out of an embarrassing situation.
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Q: Why do people continue to lie after the truth is found out?
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Is reality truth or can truth be also found beyond reality?

Truth goes beyond reality , that is why people are still living the lie ..

Why do people Believe a lie before they believe the truth?

Because a lie is easier to accept than the truth. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow!

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People would honestly want to hear a lie because most cant handle the truth like most people.

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An example of truth is stating a fact that can be objectively verified, such as "The Earth revolves around the Sun" or "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level."

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Most people were brought up to tell the truth. Telling a lie is a hard thing to do for them. Living with a lie for long periods of time is a torture. And so the truth is a luxury.

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People lie because in most cases they do not want to end or destroy the relationship. People also lie to pretend as if they are innocent. It is true that the truth i s bitter, but it is difficult for some people to accept it.

How come people wont face the truth?

Not all people lie and have to admit the truth about a lie. The people that do lie and cannot face the truth have been caught in the lie; are embarrassed and immature enough not to be able to admit they lied and why they felt they had too. Then there are some people who have no self confidence that embellish (lie) about their life to make an impression on others and if someone catches them in that lie then that person feels totally crushed. When people tell a lie they are well aware they are doing so and hope not to get caught. Lying only leads to other lies and can hurt other people in the process. So, if a person lies constantly and it is mean spirited and they are found out, the person who lied will try to cover it up with another lie because they are afraid of what others will think of them and they could quite possibly lose friendships in the process.

Why do people lie-?

People lie for many reasons. Sometimes it is a little white lie to save someone's feelings. Sometimes it is to take advantage of a person.

What is a lie which is very near in the truth?

a very near the truth lie

Would you tell a lie to your teacher if she found out that you was going out with someone?

Don't lie to your teacher. No matter what anyone says, the truth is that a lie is bad. Instead, tell your teacher the truth, and tell him/her to keep it a secret. He/she will understand, they have been your age before.

Who said If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth Was it Goebbles?

What Goebbels said was that if you repeat a lie often enough people believe it, not that 'it becomes the truth'.

What causes lie?

This question does not have enough information for a good answer. If you mean why people lie, it is usually to cover up the truth.