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it's because the paper comes from the pulp of the tree.

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Q: Why do people cut trees for paper?
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Related questions

What do people do after they cut down trees?

they make paper out of it

Why would people cut trees for?

toilet roll/paper

Do people cut down trees to make paper?

Yes of corse

Can you cut wood with a piece of paper?

No. Paper is made from trees though. Now, paper is light, and cannot cut through trees. - Caroline Rogers

Where did the paper come from?

Paper comes from trees that lumberjacks have cut down. of course trees

Why you told do not waste paper?

It is told because if paper is wasted there will be shortage of paper and then trees will cut and their will be shortage of trees .

Why are people cutting down rainforest?

Some people have permission from the law to cut down trees to make things such as: paper, tissues, furniture,boats... but some people cut down trees illegally for many different reasons.

Why do you cut down tress where you do not need them?

people cut down trees where they need them to build new buildings

Why do we cut trees?

to make paper and to make furniture.

What are people who cut down trees called?

People who cut down trees are commonly referred to as loggers or lumberjacks. They are skilled workers who harvest trees for various purposes including timber, paper, and construction materials.

How can you save forests and trees?

You can save forest and trees but just not wasting paper and tissues because they are made from trees which come from the forest so if you waste them you would need more paper and tissues so then in order to get them people will have to cut down more trees.

How paper products are developed?

Lumber Jacks cut down trees and the trees are made into Paper by machines.